Tuesday, April 11, 2006



Did you see that guy with the earring? How about that girl with her nose pierced? It seems like more and more people these days are wearing piercings.

I recall my earliest sighting of piercing. The bolts in Frankenstein’s neck or Fred Gwynne if you are a Munsters TV show fan.

Believe it or not, I’ve had piercings in my life. I ran a nail through my leg in the 4th grade. A dog tried to pierce my eyebrow with his incisors. Some belt buckles I own can do a piercing if I bend over. I’ve had my navel pierced long before it was in style—It was when belly met buckle.

But nothing I’ve done matches some of the piercings I’ve seen on some folks. I’ve seen piercings of the ears, eyebrows, bellybuttons, lips, and tongue. I admit I’ve not seen all the piercings there are. To be honest, I don’t WANT to see them all!

I’ve been told some people with piercings are making a statement with their piercings. It seems to me these statements might include:

“Look at me!”
“I’m an individual!”
“I have no taste buds in my tongue any more!”

Piercings are not original to this day and age. Did you know that Jesus Christ had piercings? He had four to be exact. The Savior of the world had a piercing in each hand (wrist to be exact), one through both feet, and one through his side. In John 19:34, we read, “one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.” Actually earlier in the crucifixion, Jesus had a set of multiple piercings through his scalp thanks to a crown of thorns placed there by angry guards.

After the first Easter morning, Doubting Thomas asked to see Jesus’ piercings to prove that Jesus had indeed risen from the dead. Jesus gladly showed him his piercings (John 20:24-28). Jesus’ piercings were not making a fashion statement or a political statement. He was making a mission statement. Statements like:

“God loves us!
“God hates sin!
“We are sinners!
“We are saved through Christ’s piercings!”

Isaiah 53:5 “But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.

The pierced Prince of Peace. The price for our sin was the piercing. Our pardon was purchased by His piercing.

Let’s try something. The next time we see someone with a piercing, instead of judging them let’s look at them with love, and view their piercings as a reminder that Jesus being pierced for you and for me. Let’s say a prayer of thanksgiving to God and say a word of encouragement to that other person.

Now please excuse me while I change belt buckles!


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