Monday, January 17, 2011

Who do YOU root for?

The scene is heaven: Three angels, Hark, Herald, and California Angel are looking at earth as people are getting ready for the Oregon Duck’s football game against the Auburn Tigers. Let’s listen in...

Hark: “What is all that ruckus on earth?”
Herald: “It’s the Ducks”
Hark: “What about them?”
Herald: “The Duck’s and the Tigers.”
Hark: “Did the tigers eat the ducks?
Herald: “No.”
Hark: “The duck ate the tiger?”
California: “It’s football.”
Herald: “Aren’t you into Baseball”
California: “Yep, they named a team after me in California.”
Hark: “So are we Duck fans or Tiger fans?”
Herald: “We can’t take sides, you know that.”
Hark: “How come?”
Herald: “Because God created both ducks and tigers.”
California: “Okay, forget college football. Let’s talk about the pros. Are we Seahawk fans?”
Hark: “That win was somewhat of a miracle”
Herald: “No, we can’t take sides on that either”
California: “That’s right. God created Seahawks and we know He gives humans the opportunity to be saints.”
Hark: “So what do we root for?”
California: “The preacher’s wife is rooting for Feb 7.”
Hark: “What is happening Feb 7th. It’s the day AFTER the super Bowl.”
Herald: “She won’t have to watch football and the preacher will quit using football, in illustrations and articles.”
California: (in a sad voice) “Great. It’s back to granddaughter stories.”
Hark: “Let’s go back to football. I’m confused. Can we root for teams?”
California: “Sure. It’s harmless fun, as long as we don’t worship them.”
Hark: “Why can’t humans worship a team? If you are at a game, or even see it on TV, people sing, yell, and put their hands in the air. I’ve seen them do that at church too. What’s the difference?”
California: “Remember the second commandment?”
Hark: “The one about not making idols? Oh yeah, Exodus 20:4 says we are not to worship anything one but God.”
California: “Very good. Remember also in Romans 12:1, it says that humans are to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, and that is their spiritual service of worship.”
Hark: “I saw a guy at a Duck game. He painted his body yellow, had a green spiked Mohawk haircut, and was standing outside in 20 degree weather, cheering his team on. It looked like he was offering his body.”
Herald: “You make a good point. Humans need to remember that they need to be more excited about Jesus than they are about any sports team.”
California: “I happen to know that guy is a solid Christian and a deacon in his church.”
Hark: “He should wear that outfit to church!”
Herald: “Quiet you two. The game is about to start.”

Who are YOU rooting for?


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