Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The "More than Seven" Deadly Sins

The sins of mankind were having a discussion the other day about which is the worse sin. Let’s listen in.

Murder: Let’s get this meeting to order.

Lust: Let’s do that. Our human’s neighbor got a new boat and I’ve got work to do

Murder: There has been some discussion about which of us is the worst sin. I think we all know who that is.

Slander: Who? You?

Murder: Are you kidding? Of course it’s me. No one ever was thrown into prison for slander. Have you ever heard of a serial gossiper?

Gossip: Hey, there are a lot of serial gossipers around, especially in churches.

Adultery: That’s true, but you aren’t even one of the Ten Commandments like Murder and I are.

Stealing: Yeah, I should be toward the top of the list

Lying: Yeah, I’m at the end of the commandments, and they save the best for last.

Disobey parents: I don’t think it works that way.

Murder: Who let you into this discussion? You are barely a sin.

Adultery: Are you even on the list?

Slander: Jesus himself said that if someone slanders, that is just as bad as murder.

Lust: And if someone looks at a woman or man lustfully that’s the same as adultery.

Disobey parents: Speaking of the list, did you guys ever read Romans?

Murder: Just because we are in the Bible, it doesn’t mean we read it.

Disobey parents: We are all listed as sins in chapter one. And 3:23 say that all humans have sinned and fall short of glory of God

Slander: 6:23 says that the penalty or wages of sin is death.

Murder: You mean that all of you, slander, gossip and even disobey parents is worth the death penalty?

Gossip: Yep, but I know a secret, and don’t spread it around.

Slander: Look who’s talking. So what is the big secret?

Gossip: Jesus grants eternal life and freedom from us.

Lust: I didn’t know that.

Disobey parents: If you spent more time reading and less time looking at the neighbors stuff, you might learn something.

Adultery: So we are all the same?

Disobey parents: Yep

Murder: And we are all doomed

Gossip: The human has a chance at eternal life, and freedom from us.

Lust: Is the meeting over yet? The guy down the street has a new moterhome!!


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