Top Ten Things to Do When You Lose Electricity During A Worship Service
10. Have a preacher with a big mouth who can preach both sermons without a microphone.
9. Have a great worship minister with a battery operated keyboard.
8. Use Bongo drums instead of electric drums.
7. Have battery operated amps for the electric guitars.
6. Cook breakfast before power goes off, and cook clam chowder for the Ministry Fair after power comes back on.
5. Have Sunday School teachers with night vision goggles.
4. Have Sunday School teachers who combine classes or move to different rooms.
3. Use hymnbooks and songs sheets instead of Power Point.
2. Use a “low tech” lapel microphone for the preacher (Dixie cup and a battery, thanks to Marcus Storey for some comic relief.)
And the # 1 thing you have to have when you loose electricity during your worship services…
1. Flashlights in the bathrooms, thanks to quick thinking by Rex Putman!
We had fun Sunday morning. Inconvenience gave way to good attitudes when our power went off during my sermon in the first service and came back on during my sermon in the second service (do you think the power company is trying to tell me something?).
We had a few days advance notice, so that was helpful. It was just as helpful that everyone had a good sense of humor about things, and we had a great day especially as Vern, our battery operated guitar player, came forward and transferred his membership to our church!. Praise the Lord.
The apostle Peter reminded the church to already be ready with an answer when we are asked about our faith (I Peter 3:15) Paul told his apprentice, Timothy, to be ready to preach the gospel “in season and out of season.” (2 Timothy 4:2)
Be prepared and be flexible, ready for anything. It’s great advice for a church without electricity, and it’s even greater advice for all of us as Christians. We can rely on Christ’s power to get us through dark times. If we trust God, and work together, great things can happen.
Even greater than flashlights in bathrooms!