The Real Valentine
Gabriel, Cupid and Aphrodite were talking about love one day. Let’s listen in.
Gabriel: Hey, who are you two?
Cupid: Are you kidding? Everyone knows me, especially this time of year
Aphrodite: I am the goddess of beauty and love
Cupid: I hate to break this to you, but no one knows you outside of history class
Aphrodite: I am also known as Venus. There is a famous statue of me at the most prestigious museum in France
Gabriel: I’ve heard of that.
Cupid: Oh, yeah, did she mention the statue has no arms?
Aphrodite; This coming from a guy in a diaper and a bow and arrow
Cupid: Hey, this bow and arrow is the symbol of love.
Gabriel: Aren’t you two related or something?
Aphrodite: He was my son, but I don’t claim him.
Cupid: What are you doing here anyway Gabriel? You normally are around at Christmas time. You’re 10 month’s early buddy.
Gabriel: I’m here at the perfect time. As you can see, the world has a very distorted view of love.
Aphrodite: That’s why they need to study about me. I’m the symbol of love and desire.
Cupid: So, are you two on greeting cards? No. I have my own T.V. commercials. I am the most recognized symbol of love and desire there it. Everyone one knows that if I shoot someone with this arrow, people are filled with lust and desire.
Aphrodite: And who’s your mother? Who gave you all of this? It’s wasn’t NBC!
Gabriel: For being symbols of love, you two fight a lot. Besides you are symbols of desire and lust. That’s not a symbol of love. Let’s go to earth and I’ll show you a symbol of love
Cupid: Okay, I see it. We are in first century Jerusalem. So where is the manger, and the other Christmas stuff?
Aphrodite: What are those three things on that hill?
Gabriel: We are 33 years later than the manger. That over there, is a cross
Aphrodite: Okay that is gross. Those guys are hanging there, and it’s pretty gory
Cupid: That is a symbol for love?
Gabriel: You two focus on love as desire and lust. True love, is sacrifice.
Cupid: Okay, that isn’t going to work as a greeting card.
Aphrodite: Or a valentine’s ad on T.V.
Gabriel: How is this for a caption; “For so loved the world that He gave his only son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish but have every lasting life.
Cupid: We can’t promise that.
Aphrodite: Not even close.
Gabriel: You two can go and peddle flowers, candy, cards and fake hearts. Jesus promises true love and everlasting life
Cupid: That would make an interesting greeting card!