Get this off my chest
Pastor Bob’s Body Parts were having an emergency meeting after his heart attack.
Brain: I told you guys not to walk so much on the trip to San Francisco
Legs: I second that. Me and the feet were really tired.
Chest: I was hurting too.
Brain: Stop being such a pain
Ear: If I hear one more doctor ask about chest pain, I’m going to scream
Mouth: Not without my help you don’t.
Chest: But I was hurting.
Brain: Stop being a pain
Stomach: Yeah, besides, it’s not the chest’s fault. Have you even noticed what this preacher has been eating over the years?
Mouth: His idea of the four main food groups is hamburgers, hotdogs, pizza and burritos’ .
Stomach: He has lost weight.
Mouth: Well he’d better lose a lot more or we are back in the hospital. I’m taking a lot more medications as a result.
Legs: We are riding the exercise bike more.
Chest: Well, I hurt
Legs: Stop being a pain
Heart: You try pumping blood through his body with one main artery clogged.
Brain: Okay pipe down. We have to cut down his stress level
Heart: That’s right. We have to do a lot more about me.
Brain: Are you okay? Legs help him to the floor! We’re going to the ER again!
Heart: Relax. I’m fine. I’m talking about the heart that makes us who we are.
Soul: Actually you are all talking about me
Heart: Very true. So what are you doing to keep the preacher out of the ER?
Eyes: I’ve been reading some verses. In Matthew 11:28, Jesus says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Ear: I like the sound of that. Very peaceful.
Heart: I can feel my rate going down and my pressure back to normal.
Soul: It’s more than reading verses. The preacher has been praying…
Ear: I heard those…
Soul: And all the support and encouragement he has received from the church and other friends and family. He really appreciates it.
Eyes: Galatians 6:2 says “Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Brain: Carrying each other s burdens is a great mental picture. That verse means we don’t have to go through our problems alone.
Stomach: Now we just have to keep him on the diet!
Legs: And on the bike!
Heart: We can work together to make us all healthy
Chest: And for me to have NO pain!