Church TV Guide
T.V. Guide for the church.
Summer is winding down and
fall will soon be upon us. So, as a public service here is the newest edition
of the Fall TV guide for the church.
Family Feud: New family trying to sit in the seat where
someone has sat for the last 40 years
Law and Order: What children’s church workers aim for.
Kids say the darnest things: Remarks the kids say during the
children’s sermon
To Tell the truth: What
the preacher tries to do every Sunday
Twilight Zone: What people slip into when the sermon goes
too long
Big Bang theory: What happens when a sudden noise wakes them
NCIS: “No candy in the service” was the rule that was
quickly abandoned so parents could use candy as bribery to keeps kids amused
The Voice: That loud screaming noise during a sermon that
doesn’t bother the preacher but embarrasses the mom
A million things: A explosion of glitter in the pre-school
Sunday School class
The Rookie: The first-time teacher who has to clean up that
Survivor: Vacation Bible School workers when the week is
48 hours. How long the sermon feels when the Children’s
church staff they have wiggly, loud kids
Amazing Race: Kids sprint to the bathroom between Sunday School
and church
The Biggest Loser: The church when we don’t appreciate the amazing
children God brings to us each week
This is us: Loving families in our church, working together
to show the love of Christ to our community
Will and Grace: What we submit to God and what God gives to