Ten Commandments Quiz
We know that the Ten Commandments are not multiple choice, but go ahead and take this quiz to see how well you know the Ten Commandments.
1. “You shall have no other gods before me” means…
A. Unless it’s a new truck, boat or other toy that gets all your time and money
B. You have relationship that gets all your time and money
C. Your relationship with Christ is your most important relationship
2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol” means…
A. You can’t be on American Idol
B. You shouldn’t be on American Idol
C. You should spend more time with God than with the T.V.
3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord Your God in Vain” means…
A. Shout God’s name in prayer, not when you hit your finger with a hammer
B. Jesus Christ IS the good news, not something to yell when you hear good news
C. All of the above.
4. “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy” means
A. Take regular time off to reflect on how God has blessed your life
B. Commit yourself to your local church with your money, time and talents
C. All of the above.
5. “Honor your father and your mother” means…
A. Love them until they discipline you
B. Say “yes mom” sweetly and then do what you want to do when she isn’t looking
c. Be obedient children and pray for your parents each day
6. “You shall not murder” means…
A. I can do anything I want as long as I don’t become a prime suspect on CSI
B. I can I can rip someone’s reputation to shreds as long as I’m not a prime suspect on CSI
C. Words can do as much damage as sticks and stones.
7. “You shall not commit adultery” means.
A. Look, but don’t touch
B. Touch, but not too much
C. If you’re married, Valentines Day should be 365 days a year.
8. “You shall not steal” means…
A. Be honest, even at tax time
B. Be a giver instead of a taker
C. All of the above
9. “You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor” means…
A. Little white lies are okay
b. It’s okay to lie as long as you remember which lie you told
c. Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and God will help you
10. “You shall not covet” means…
A. Your neighbor’s truck, house or anything else that is isn’t yours
B. Your greatest desire is for Jesus to be in charge of your life
C. All of the above.
Your score:
If you got 1-3 right, be more active in your local church
If you got 4-6 right, be more active in your local church
If you got 7-10 right, be more active in your local church