Monday, January 31, 2011

Seven Deadly Words

You’ve heard of the seven deadly words haven’t you? You hear them in churches, service clubs, and other organizations. They are uttered when a new idea is suggested, and a decision has to be made. These words are guaranteed to kill new ways of doing things. Here they are (drum roll)

“We have ALWAYS done it that way!”

“We have NEVER done it that way!”

“We tried that once. It didn’t work!”

We also hear some seven deadly words in our day to day life.

Kids (yelling out from the bathroom)
“Mommy do cats know how to swim?”

College Student:
“Is that paper due today or tomorrow?”

Wives (to husband)
“Does this dress make me look fat?”

Husbands (with tools in hand)
“Don’t need help, I can do this.”

Here are some “seven deadly words” that can wound or kill a relationship.
You have to fill in some words in each statement

“I have never forgiven ______ for ________.”

“I will never forgive ____­­­___ for ________.”

“I have never liked ________ because _____”

Here are the seven deadliest words of all,

“I don’t need God, I am just fine.”

Let’s try some other “seven words” that are more healing and life giving.

“Tell me how I can help you.”

“How can I pray for you today?”

“Can you please forgive me for ___________?”

And the best words of all…

We can have eternal life through Jesus!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Who do YOU root for?

The scene is heaven: Three angels, Hark, Herald, and California Angel are looking at earth as people are getting ready for the Oregon Duck’s football game against the Auburn Tigers. Let’s listen in...

Hark: “What is all that ruckus on earth?”
Herald: “It’s the Ducks”
Hark: “What about them?”
Herald: “The Duck’s and the Tigers.”
Hark: “Did the tigers eat the ducks?
Herald: “No.”
Hark: “The duck ate the tiger?”
California: “It’s football.”
Herald: “Aren’t you into Baseball”
California: “Yep, they named a team after me in California.”
Hark: “So are we Duck fans or Tiger fans?”
Herald: “We can’t take sides, you know that.”
Hark: “How come?”
Herald: “Because God created both ducks and tigers.”
California: “Okay, forget college football. Let’s talk about the pros. Are we Seahawk fans?”
Hark: “That win was somewhat of a miracle”
Herald: “No, we can’t take sides on that either”
California: “That’s right. God created Seahawks and we know He gives humans the opportunity to be saints.”
Hark: “So what do we root for?”
California: “The preacher’s wife is rooting for Feb 7.”
Hark: “What is happening Feb 7th. It’s the day AFTER the super Bowl.”
Herald: “She won’t have to watch football and the preacher will quit using football, in illustrations and articles.”
California: (in a sad voice) “Great. It’s back to granddaughter stories.”
Hark: “Let’s go back to football. I’m confused. Can we root for teams?”
California: “Sure. It’s harmless fun, as long as we don’t worship them.”
Hark: “Why can’t humans worship a team? If you are at a game, or even see it on TV, people sing, yell, and put their hands in the air. I’ve seen them do that at church too. What’s the difference?”
California: “Remember the second commandment?”
Hark: “The one about not making idols? Oh yeah, Exodus 20:4 says we are not to worship anything one but God.”
California: “Very good. Remember also in Romans 12:1, it says that humans are to present their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, and that is their spiritual service of worship.”
Hark: “I saw a guy at a Duck game. He painted his body yellow, had a green spiked Mohawk haircut, and was standing outside in 20 degree weather, cheering his team on. It looked like he was offering his body.”
Herald: “You make a good point. Humans need to remember that they need to be more excited about Jesus than they are about any sports team.”
California: “I happen to know that guy is a solid Christian and a deacon in his church.”
Hark: “He should wear that outfit to church!”
Herald: “Quiet you two. The game is about to start.”

Who are YOU rooting for?